Margot Carrington

Board Member

Margot Carrington retired from the Department of State in 2018 after a 25-year career, which culminated in a four-year tour as Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Tokyo, a senior role overseeing a $10 million budget and 70 American and Japanese staff.

Margot was the ambassador’s lead advisor on public diplomacy, managed all USG bilateral exchange programs, and raised the profile of the United States through traditional and social media. She also served as chair of the binational commission that administers the Fulbright program in Japan. Just prior to her retirement, her achievements in strengthening U.S.-Japan cultural exchange were recognized with the Lois Roth Award for Cultural Diplomacy.

Her previous position was as Director of the Washington, D.C., and New York Foreign Press Centers. From 2011 to 2013, she was Deputy Director in the Office of Rightsizing, and served on the board of Executive Women at State. She was the recipient of a 2010-2011 Una Chapman Cox Sabbatical Leave Fellowship to conduct research on the challenges faced by working women, and a Fellow in the International Women’s Forum Leadership Foundation, an executive

training program for female leaders. From 2007 to 2010, Margot served as Principal Officer for the U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka, Japan. As the first female officer with children in that position, she was a sought-after speaker on women's issues.

Margot began her diplomatic career with the United States Information Agency. After two years of Japanese language training, she took up her first assignment as Deputy Director of the Tokyo American Center. Margot then served a four-year tour in Kuala Lumpur as Cultural Attaché after studying Malay at the University of Malaya. In 2003, she returned to Japan as deputy of the Cultural Affairs Office.

Margot graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and a Master’s in International Relations. In addition to the Lois Roth award, she is the recipient of three U.S. Department of State Superior Honor Awards, a Language Achievement Award for Japanese, and multiple individual and group Meritorious Awards. She speaks fluent French and Japanese, and is conversational in Malay and Spanish.

In retirement, Margot continues to champion women and serves as a member of a trilateral (US-Japan-Korea) women’s empowerment initiative administered by the Mike Mansfield Foundation. She also serves as an advisor to Global GLOW (Girls Leading Our World), which provides mentoring programs to girls worldwide. She maintains her connection to Japan by lecturing frequently at institutions such as Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International studies, and by serving on the selection committee for the Mike Mansfield Fellowship, which sends America public servants on a yearlong exchange program to Japan. Margot also actively promotes cultural exchanges between Florida and Japan by serving on the board of a new South Florida chapter of the Japan-America Society and by serving as a board member of the Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association.


Jennifer Coolidge, Board Member