Our Most Recent Programs

Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association


The Florida–Wakayama Cultural Association in partnership with Wakayama – Florida Association presents


composed by Stella Sung, choreographed by Judy Skinner with film by Anne Crawley.

APRIL 5, 2022 AT 8:00 PM EST

Program to include

Greetings from Columba Mrs. Bush, Honorary Chair, Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association

Welcoming Remarks by The Honorable, Masahiro Obana, Mayor of Wakayama City, Wakayama

and The Honorable, Lauren Poe, Mayor of Gainesville, Florida

Presentation by

Stella Sung, Composer

As a national and international award-winning composer, the music of Stella Sung has been performed throughout the United States and abroad. She served as the first Composer-in-Residence for the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra (2008-2011) and was one of the five composers nationally selected for a "Music Alive" award, a three-year award that allowed Dr. Sung to serve as Composer-In-Residence for the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance (2013-16), sponsored by New Music USA, the League of American Orchestras, ASCAP, the Aaron Copland Fund, and the Andrew Mellon Foundation. Dr. Sung is Composer-in-Residence for Dance Alive National Ballet (Gainesville, FL).

Choreographer, Judy Skinner

Judy Skinner began her studies in Gainesville, Florida. After receiving her BA and M.Ed. from the University of Florida, she continued her studies in New York. Ms. Skinner received her first Individual Fellowship in Choreography from the State of Florida in 1987, her second in 1994 and her most recent in 1999. She was awarded an Artist Enhancement Grant by the State of Florida in 2006. Ms. Skinner served as Executive Director for Dance Alive National Ballet for eighteen years and as Resident Choreographer since 1979. She has been responsible for developing all arts education programming since 1976 for Dance Alive National Ballet.

Tenki Nomura, Special Guest Dancer

Mr. Nomura, a bravura technical dancer, trained in Japan. He won the Gold medal in the 2018 World Ballet Trial Tokyo Stage, Gold medal in the 2017 Japan Estonia Ballet International Competition and the Gold medal in the 2017 Ballet Competition in Japan, among others. Mr. Nomura is a member of the Dance Alive National Ballet company based in Gainesville, FL.

Watch the production of Oceana including an original orchestra concert with Dance Alive National Ballet with original film illuminating our precious ocean and the environmental risk to it.

Program to includes an opportunity for questions related to the program theme and artistic process and gaining insights from the artists involved.

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Culture, Performance, Art Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association Culture, Performance, Art Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association

Music Transcends Language – The Three Little Pigs Travel to Wakayama

The three little pigs appeared virtually at the Michiru Preschool in Wakayama-city on August 17, 2021. Forty-five children were enchanted by the pre-recorded of the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra’s Symphony Storytime presentation of the classic folktale.

The Three Little Pigs appeared virtually at the Michiru Preschool in Wakayama-city on August 17, 2021. Forty-five children were enchanted by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra’s Symphony Storytime (pre-recorded) of the classic folktale, which featured narration accompanied by violin and cello. After the presentation, the children expressed their reactions and thoughts by making drawings.

This was the first artistic event to cross over from Florida to Wakayama since the founding of the FWCA and its partner, the Wakayama-Florida Association. Mrs. Sayoko Tahara, president of WFA, praised the activity and said, “This experience is a good addition to the children’s future. I am glad we could offer them this program.” She spoke directly to the young audience when she stated, “I hope we can increase exchange activities with Florida and that you will be good friends with the people of Florida even when becoming adults.”

These comments were echoed by Sachi Noto, who served as mistress of ceremonies, and added, “I hope we can introduce our culture and arts to Florida which has provided us the musical experience that enriches children’s sensibility.” The director of the Michiru Preschool, Yoshihiro Ikenaga, enthusiastically agreed saying, “I hope this very first experience for the children will open their horizons to the overseas.”

Local newspaper and television covered the event and the video itself will be shared with many children in Wakayama’s educational institutions. Dr. Morris Marx, Chair of the FWCA, said, “This is exactly the kind of activity for which our organization was founded. We will continue to provide meaningful and rich artistic and cultural experiences from Florida to the citizens of Wakayama, and we look forward to hosting their exchanges.”

Many thanks to all who made this possible!

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Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association

The 25th Anniversary of the Sister-State between Florida and Wakayama

November 13, 2020


Messages from Presidents


Dr. Gaylen Phillips

This is an extraordinary opportunity for us to come together to celebrate our artists. Our organizations will foster and facilitate artistic and cultural activities and we are excited about sharing exhibitions, performances, and the fine arts. Our mutual goal is to perpetuate the friendship we have established for the betterment of both countries.


Mrs. Sayoko Tahara

Konnichiwa from Wakayama. My name is Sayoko Tahara. I am a president and a board of directors of the Wakayama-Florida Association. First of all, we are so honored to have this wonderful meeting with the Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association Inc. in Florida. We would like to continue building a friendship between Florida and Wakayama based on trust and respect with the hope the relationship continues.

There is an old saying in Japanese. “千里の道も一歩から” which means, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” I believe today is the day. It’s for today, tomorrow, and the future. We are pleased to have this meeting today.

In closing, I would like to show my appreciation to Ms. Honda, who had been arranging this whole meeting. And of course, to all of the attending members today for their hard-working to make this happen. Thank you from my heart.

For more information you can visit the following websites:

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