Ms. Shigeko Honda


After more that 25 years affiliated with the University of West Florida (UWF), and initiating and nurturing its Japanese and US/Japan language, education and cultural programs, Shigeko Honda retired. She, however, continues to use her knowledge and experience to bring Japanese language, culture and arts to the United States and specifically, Florida.

Among her many achievements are:

  • Assisted with the establishment of the 2-year Japanese language program at UWF. Began the first Japanese language course in 1987.

  • Responsible for the recognition of UWF as one of the most active universities in the State of Florida in activities related to Japan.

  • Responsible for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan recognition of UWF for its contributions to the deepening of the Japan-U.S. relationship, March 28, 2012.

  • Responsible for UWF joining the University of South Florida (USF) and St. Petersburg Community College as the third host institution of the Florida-Japan Linkage Institute in 1994.

  • Responsible for the 2006 relocation from USF to UWF of the Florida-Japan Linkage Institute head-office, responsible for reviewing the out-of-state tuition exemption program applications.

  • Responsible for maintaining a successful relationship with the Jikei Group of Colleges in Japan.

  • Responsible for the concept of building the UWF Japan House and gardens as a center for Japanese culture for the Pensacola area and southeast U.S. region.

  • Assisted in the planning and execution of the building of the Japan House and gardens on the UWF campus, which opened in June 2004, making UWF the only university in Florida that has authentic Japanese rooms and gardens on campus.

  • Responsible for making the Japan House tea room one of the most prestigious tea rooms in the U.S. by obtaining a special name - Fukutokuan (sanctum of goodness and virtue) - for the tea room from the Urasenke Grand Master Zabosai Sen Soshitsu XVI , March 2009.

  • Responsible for founding the Japan-America Society of Northwest Florida, Inc. in 1994.

  • Responsible for bringing international level performing arts, exhibits and speakers to Florida.

  • Responsible for bringing the greater Pensacola area directly involved with UWF Japan programs by having over 400 local families host Japanese exchange students.


Dr. Morris Marx, Chairman


Frank Schnidman, Secretary