The 25th Anniversary of the Sister-State between Florida and Wakayama

November 13, 2020


Messages from Presidents


Dr. Gaylen Phillips

This is an extraordinary opportunity for us to come together to celebrate our artists. Our organizations will foster and facilitate artistic and cultural activities and we are excited about sharing exhibitions, performances, and the fine arts. Our mutual goal is to perpetuate the friendship we have established for the betterment of both countries.


Mrs. Sayoko Tahara

Konnichiwa from Wakayama. My name is Sayoko Tahara. I am a president and a board of directors of the Wakayama-Florida Association. First of all, we are so honored to have this wonderful meeting with the Florida-Wakayama Cultural Association Inc. in Florida. We would like to continue building a friendship between Florida and Wakayama based on trust and respect with the hope the relationship continues.

There is an old saying in Japanese. “千里の道も一歩から” which means, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” I believe today is the day. It’s for today, tomorrow, and the future. We are pleased to have this meeting today.

In closing, I would like to show my appreciation to Ms. Honda, who had been arranging this whole meeting. And of course, to all of the attending members today for their hard-working to make this happen. Thank you from my heart.

For more information you can visit the following websites:


Music Transcends Language – The Three Little Pigs Travel to Wakayama