Brenda Stokes

Board Member

Brenda Stokes is a former graduate of the University of West Florida has worked with clay for over 45 years.

Brenda and her husband Marty founded Holley Hill Pottery in 1980 and currently operate the pottery with their son Jason in Navarre, Florida. In 2001, with support of local professors, studio potters and dedicated patrons of the arts, they founded the Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society which is dedicated to the study and preservation of wood-firing traditions in the ceramic arts.

Brenda and her family also founded the Navarre Beach Marine Sanctuary in 1995 with support from the local community and public officials. The nearshore Marine Sanctuary is a snorkeling reef accessible from the beach and supports juvenile habitat, diverse marine life and endless educational and economic opportunities.


Rachel Hendrix, Board Member


Jennifer Coolidge, Board Member